Is Kutaisi worth visiting and why travel there?

Majority of travelers will spend their time in Tbilisi during their first visit to Georgia. Maybe they'll plan a few days trips is the area too, say, to Kazbegi for example. It was true for me and for most travelers I met in Tbilisi hostels.

Let's talk about Kutaisi

Kutaisi is the third largest city in Georgia. Located pretty much half way between more popular destinations Tbilisi and Batumi.

Is Kutaisi worth visiting during your trip in Georgia?

It absolutely is! Even if for 24 hours, when nearly 5-6 hour long marshrutka trip from Tbilisi to Batumi feels like a lot at once, Kutaisi makes a perfect half way stop. Here is very brief itinerary.

  • Find suitable accommodation for the night
  • See Bagrati Cathedral in real life and get closer to it than on this photo
  • Enjoy breakfast at Tea House Foe-Foe
  • Attend a free walking tour in Kutaisi

These four things help you make the most of short stay.

Why travel to Kutaisi beyond these reasons?

Kutaisi has a special, calmer vibe than Tbilisi or Batumi. The city itself is large enough to spend 2-3 days exploring it, and adding one day for things to do outside Kutaisi sounds like a plan too.

Staying there gives insight to a calmer city that is not overrun by travelers just yet. You'll also find Kutaisi a bit cheaper than Tbilisi. Budget hostels start from just 10 lari (~3€).


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