Evening bus from Tallinn to Riga

How to go from Tallinn to Riga? Preferred way is by bus and there are two big bus companies serving that route. Ecolines and Lux Express. Ecolines has most extensive routes around Europe, whereas Lux Express has been rapidly expanding in Estonian and Baltic market over last years.

For this date Ecolines offered ever so slightly better fares, so I chose Ecolines to get to Riga and Lux Express to return few days later.

Here's yellow Ecolines double-decker at Tallinn bus station minutes before departure.

Ticket controller assigned me a seat on second level towards back of bus. Hooray! After departing from Tallinn bus station it's nearly 20 minute ride through the city and then heading south for about an hour to Pärnu, summer capital of Estonia.

Hello, Pärnu!

Sun came out in Pärnu. The photo is from crossing Pärnu river before a quick stop at Pärnu bus station. Most passengers chose to stretch their legs there before second half of the trip.

There was interesting wall art behind Pärnu bus station.

Departing Pärnu and pine forests

Ride time from Pärnu to Riga bus station is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Through majority of it we rode on roads between pine forests.

Did you know that forests cover about half of Estonia's territory? Same is true for Latvia.

Arriving to Riga

After departing from Tallinn at 19.00 we had arrived to Riga at 23.15.

Riga international bus station is in city center and walking straight will take you to Old Town in a few minutes.

What are these buildings on the right? That's Riga's central market.

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