Better than good? Best rated hotels in Tallinn, Estonia

Where to stay in Tallinn? Is a good hotel just good enough? One day I'll put together a list of good hotels. Meanwhile here are some of highest rated hotels in Tallinn.

Compared to Northern and Western Europe hotel prices in Tallinn are reasonable. Adding 10 or 20€ can make a difference between average or good enough hotel night and a very nice hotel.

Here are a few lists of hotels that stand out from the rest.

Best rated hotels in Tallinn

Let's start with the best.

Boutique hotels in Tallinn.

These cozy hotels are in or very close to Old Town.

Even Queen Elizabeth II stayed in one of these hotels listed there. Do you know, in which?

Hotels near train station

Are you arriving by train or planning a day trip by train? Then a hotel close to train station will be a good option.

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